Safety and EEO Meeting: Football Great Helps Kick Off 2018 Construction Season
Former Ohio State Buckeye Archie Griffin helped kick off the 2018 construction season with a motivational speech on how hard work leads to success during the Shelly & Sands Safety and EEO Annual Meeting.
President Cole Graham and COO Mike Cline, along with area VPs and managers reviewed the 2017 season highlights and touched on the upcoming 2018 season. 2017 featured many successes, including an array of awards:
- 13 Quality Asphalt Paving Awards from Flexible Pavements of Ohio
- Three NAPA Quality in Construction Awards
- The Thomas J. Medvick Excellence in PWL Paving Award in West Virginia
EEO Officer Myra Johnson explained equal employment requirements, and Safety & Risk Vice President Gary Tuttle recapped safety and loss stats for the year.
More than $23,500 in safety award money was given out, with Mansfield shop foreman Tyson Shafer the overall winner.
Chairman and CEO Clay Graham closed the meeting with an inspirational speech after announcing some changes in upper management and regional area restructuring.
The April 6 meeting drew 280 attendees. The recent growth of the company and the increased number of annual meeting attendees required a change of location from Virtues Golf Club to the Pritchard Laughlin Civic Center in Cambridge.