Congressman Troy Balderson highlights annual meeting.
Over 280 guests, officers, managers and foremen were in attendance as President Cole Graham kicked off the 2019 Safety & EEO meeting at the Pritchard Laughlin Civic Center in Cambridge.
Congressman Troy Balderson of Ohio’s 12th Congressional District was the guest speaker at this year’s meeting. Congressman Balderson, who sits on the Highways and Transit Subcommittee, hit on a variety of transportation topics and emphasized the importance of current transportation authorization which expires September 30, 2020.
The 2018 construction season was recapped and the anticipation for the 2019 season was discussed.
2018 was a banner year for awards as Shelly & Sands was presented the Jerry Keller Memorial Safety Award in Division I. It is presented by the Ohio Contractors Association for best safety record for the Division 1 contractors working over 1 million hours. On the quality side, Shelly & Sands captured a company record 17 Quality Asphalt Paving awards from Flexible Pavements and two NAPA Quality in Construction awards.
As customary, Chairman and CEO Clay Graham closed the meeting, highlighting Shelly & Sands’ 75th anniversary year in the construction industry and expanding on the intangibles that makes companies such as Toyota and Disney successful and how we can incorporate these intangibles into our company’s successes.